Fox news=Monsters
An ad for FOX News sent in by the
It is hard to read but some nice simplicity here - the Fox news anchors=Monsters.
Top Fat Ass
Tiffany Morningstar sent me this (what an amazing name) and this may be one of my favorite recent graffiti postings. This is just straight-up hilarious.
"Be a Fat Ass Too" I don't know how this posting plays into a reality show about cooking. But it is perfect posting. Look at this man - he is all ass and balls, no arms or weiner. And he is peeking around with the nicest look on his face. He he. I think I have a crush on him!
I can't even ball my wife...
This picture my friend Crtsyal took for me on the L stop on Lorimer. She writes "The movie is about how violence never leads to peace etc... and then ends with this real ragey sex scene that is kind of alarming and made me feel for the wife on the other end of it."
"Jeez I can't even ball my wife anymore without thinking about violence begets violence...what a moral. Don't let violence ruin your sex life."
I love that the graffiti artist took from "Munich" the lesson of "Don't let violence ruin your sex life!"
Man with a Vag
Reliable Man with a Van (Vag). Ha!
This hilarious graffiti is thanks to Michael Kinney who spotted it at San Loco Tacos on Avenue A. There has to be some sort of 'vag'/'taco' joke that won't make cause me to be murdered at the hands of angry feminists but I can't think of one. If you have one, well that is what the comment section is for!