Dicks. Always Funny.

I've never met a dirty joke I don't like. I will never NOT think that farting, crapping, poop, boners, boobies and taints are not funny. When I was signing a Valentines Day card for my nephew I changed the message from "To the most fantastic kid I know" to "To the most fartastic kid I know." I don't care if I'm ninety with grandkids all around me. If one of them says, "Nana, you farted." I'm gonna die laughing. (Probably for real if I'm ninety.)

My friend Ari (Go Pats, Go Sox, Go Celtics) sent me some sweet MTA graffiti that goes perfectly with my predilection for the humor de bleu.

"This could be the last ride of his life. 'Cause his dick's stuck in the doors!"
I like that our graffiti artist has pointed to the man's buttock/groin area. As if the reader wouldn't be sure where this mysterious "dick" he wrote of was located.


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